Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing

The working condition of any person can enhance creativity and productivity. May candidates, employees,or members of local community encounter conditions that are trivial and hence reduce productivity and creativity at their working environment which lead to dismal performances across working environment
Your task is to identify either a candidate in DP2 facing such challenges that can affect their performance, a working class employee in an organisation who is struggling in one way or the other in meeting organisational goals, performance, productivity e.t.c, or a member or members of a local community going through challenges that have interfered with their overall performance, productivity or creativity. Any of the areas you will venture MUST BE addressed or solved using 
an IT based solution. The problem should be clearly described and the client's current way of addressing the situation described. The problem description should include the current
 limitations the client is facing and detailed explanation of why you think an IT solution will be the best. 

Breaking the requirements for each strand;

i. Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target  audience: (Maximum of 1 page)

  • Have introduction to the unit by highlighting; Global Context, Key Concept, AK strand/s and Learner profile. Ensure that the introduction is link to the unit. 
  • Explain the background of the problem facing the client/target audience, discuss this problem and how long it has persisted, show how it has affected the client and community, show how the client is in dire need for solution. Give examples of social challenges arising from this problem, show how an IT solution will be better placed to solve this problem and share the benefits to the client if the problem is solved.

Please note the TWO things to consider;
 a) Detailed background information of the current business.
 b) Clear and to the point problem Justification. Why you think IT solution is best suited for the problem.

           Make sure you identify and justify:
                a) What is the problem?
                b) Whose problem is it? ( identify the client/target audience)
                c) Where is the problem occurring? ( identify the situation)
                d) What is the cause of the problem? 
                e) What effect is the problem?
How to do strand 1 
You will be provided with a design situation which will give you a brief outline of the issue which could lead to the problem.  For example: 

Design Situation - "Portable music is very popular and as a result we use earphones more than ever before.  Lots of different groups of people use earphones, sporty people, students, elderly people, working people.  However quite often the wires get tangled  too easily.  Choose a target audience and design something which will help to prevent tangled wires and fit their lifestyle"   
This strand addresses two Command Terms (Explain and Justify)   
"Explain is give a detailed account including reasons or causes." 
"Justify is give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion." 
So your job is to tell the reader what the problem is, in detail....AND provide evidence to justify that this really is a problem and not just your opinion.  
The design situation is there are a starting point and you need to dig deeper and elaborate on what the problem means to you.  Evidence could include some form of information from a reliable source such as a website (possibly a statistic or a quote).  It could also be a photograph you have taken of the problem occurring or an interview with your client where they are providing evidence about the problem.  
When you explain the problem you can flesh it out by thinking about:
What is the problem/ what happens when the problem occurs? (could you get photos of it occuring)
Who is affected by the problem and how does it affect their life? (could you interview them) 

What causes the problem to occur in the first place?  (is there a statistic or fact to back this up) 

When is this a problem?  Constantly or at particular times?  

With all of this in mind you should be able to give a detailed account of the problem which has some form of evidence to back it all up.  Remember the reader/marker may not have seen the design situation, assume they know nothing. 
          Grading 7-8: Section that relates to strand i)
         - A detailed explanation and justification of the problem.

E       Example: https://oisdesign10.wordpress.com/samples/samples-crita-i/

           ii.   identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem: (Maximum of 2 Pages)

( clearly identify which sources are primary and secondary and demonstrate understanding of each)
- construct a detailed research plan which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop the solution to the problem. Show the what you need to research, how you will gather the info,(primary/secondary), when the task will be completed.
- follow the research plan to collect your detailed information from primary/secondary sources.
- Let your research question cover the business problem and the IT tools in detail.

- Independently generate 12+ detailed SMART and appropriate questions, which are clearly prioritized (Top 3 must be in a logical order) and identified as the specific type of primary and secondary research sources, to help develop the solution focused on:
- Client
❏ ‐ Time
❏ ‐ Resources
❏ ‐ Function
❏ ‐ Aesthetics

❏ ‐ Technical Skills

            Why is it important?
               Where to gather info?
           When to be completed?

Level 7-8 Grade

                  -Constructs a detailed research plan, which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently

iii.        Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem: (maximum of 4 Pages)
(have a clear analysis of exiting products IT tools and finished products which can solve the same problem)

Discuss different IT tools and products; in each type show examples and how they  work plus their images;  ( software; websites, animations, games, apps,...) you intend to use, in each categories show examples and how they  work plus their images, advantages and disadvantages. Their rating/statistical performance of the existing products other companies have used....

Finally select one out of the list of tools e.g animation justify why it is the best solution than the rest for the problem, show the different types of your IT solution, e.g different animations software and select one animation software that you will use explaining how it work with supporting images  

- 4+ products are all analyzed in detail (using ACCESS FM and/or Parts, purposes, complexities thinking routines, etc..). Appropriate usage of subject specific vocabulary ‐ the elements of design ‐ Aesthetic and functional elements.

Example: https://oisdesign10.wordpress.com/samples/samples-crita-iii/

iv).      Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research. (maximum of 2 Pages) ( produce a design brief that summarizes their research and then links it to the client/target audience)

- Write a detailed design brief that outlines, the client/target audience opinion, the experts opinion, and your personal opinion. Discuss the IT tools you will use, discuss the key features of the tool, specifications  and its benefits to the client based on your research.

Your design brief should cover all relevant areas of your research and explaining in detail why you did not use IT tools (these) plus justifications and why you will use other tools and justifications.

- Write a summary of the collected research, with appropriate images, which tie together the findings from the student’s research and how it will affect their project. Include a coherent design brief (in paragraph form) that connects the clients’ needs, and how the student’s product intends to solve the problem and any potential constraints (such as time, materials, etc.). Guidance: 400 + words.

The design brief must highlight the following aspects of the students research

❏ ‐ Time
❏ ‐ Resources
❏ ‐ Environmental considerations
❏ ‐ Safety
❏ ‐ Function/Usability
❏ ‐ Aesthetics/Visual Communication
❏ ‐ Technical Skills

Sample ; https://oisdesign10.wordpress.com/samples/samples-crita-iv/ 
Bibliography should be using APA formatting. ( A maximum of 1 page)

Using APA Formatting, spelling, and grammar should be done.

- Your document should page numbered

- Appropriate diagrams can be used for the explanation in strand

E portfolio 2018

Subject group and discipline:
Design (design, digital design, product design)
Unit duration: 
about 20 hours
Unit title: 
Promoting productivity through creative design

Global context:
Fairness and development
Key concept:
Related concept:
Statement of inquiry:
Designs that effectively synthesise structure and creativity can improve productivity
Inquiry questions such as these should be developed by teachers and students:
What causes lack of productivity?
What are the positive and negative impacts of an environment?
How does relaxation and play improve creativity?
How can your environment impact the way you think?
How can a designer influence productivity?
Should work places, schools, and/or communities promote creativity, relaxation and play?

Summative assessment
The student produces an ePortfolio that follows the design cycle to develop a solution (or range of solutions), which promote productivity through creativity.

Students must target one of the following audiences/clients:
·        Adults in a work place
·        Students in examination years
·        Local community groups

Suggested solutions may be, but are not limited to, the following ideas:
·        Multi-purpose work area
·        Themed food packs for an event
·        Snacks to stimulate productivity for activities, study groups or meetings
·        Interactive display which invites people to share their ideas
·        CAD or model of inspiring meeting place
·        Textured mural that invites you to interact
·        Comfort blanket or stress toy
·        Creative seating for relaxation
·        Repurpose communal space for play
·        An app with mindfulness activities
·        Sound and graphic video to help someone relax
·        Anti-anxiety activity book
All strands of all objectives (A, B, C and D)
Summative assessment tasks, including assessment criteria:
Relationship between summative assessment tasks and statement of inquiry:
Criterion A
i.        explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience
ii.       identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
iii.      analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
iv.      develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

Within Criterion A the student selects a target audience/client from the options above and demonstrates through submitted evidence:
·        the need for a solution 
·        identification and prioritisation of appropriate primary and secondary research
·        existing products related to their intended solution
·        a design brief for the intended solution which reflects the analysis of their research with reference to the global context and statement of inquiry.

Criterion B
i.        develop design specifications, which clearly states the success criteria for the design of a solution
ii.       develop a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
iii.      present the chosen design and justify its selection
iv.      develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

Within Criterion B the student submits:
·        a detailed design specification for the intended solution with success criteria
·        a range of ideas or designs that consider the specifications. Examples of planning these solutions may include annotated sketches, storyboards, accurate drawings, diagrams, aesthetic considerations
·        the selected final design along with justifications
·        accurate and detailed drawings, diagrams and requirements.

Criterion C
i.         construct a logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
ii.       demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution
iii.      follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended
iv.      fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

Within Criterion C the student submits:
·        step by step instructions, including time and resources, that could be followed by peers to accurately create the solution
·        evidence of excellent technical skills appropriate to MYP year 5 students by following the plan to create, refine and present a final product
·        justification of any changes made.

Evidence of technical skills and the development of the solution will be one or more of the following: 
·        audio
·        annotated photographs (including screenshots)
·        video (including screencasts)
·        written.
Please note URLs must not be submitted.
Criterion D
i.        design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
ii.       critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification
iii.      explain how the solution could be improved
iv.      explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

Within Criterion D the student submits evidence of:
·        authentic tests (user trial/observation,field/performance, expert appraisal) to generate data to measure success of the solution
·        critical evaluation using data from the authentic tests against the success criteria within the design specification
·        a detailed account of the possible improvements to the solution including  reasons or causes
·        a detailed account the impact of the solution for the selected client/target audience including reasons or causes.

The following resources based on the global context are suggestions or starting points which may be used during the teaching of the unit.  The list is optional and for information.  It is neither prescribed nor exhaustive.  Schools should always satisfy themselves that the content of any suggested resource is suitable for their own context.

Contemporary workplace

Packaging ideas

Playful cities

Relaxing public places

Calm.com (app and website)

15 Cool Schools Where You’d Never Skip Class

12 Of The Coolest Offices In The World

The 50 Best Campus Meditation Spaces

Pebble-shaped Calming Stone is designed to help prevent panic attacks (DIDN’T LOAD PROPERLY)

An industrial design graduate has created an Emotional First Aid Kit

Workplace design must change to combat "epidemic" stress levels says UN Studio founder

Stackable Playscapes system transforms empty lots into playgrounds

Dazeen – Pinterest Playgrounds

TED ED - How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia

TED ED - How stress affects your body - Sharon Horesh Bergquist