Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Criterion C: Creating The Solution.

Follow the checklist below as you work on the creation of your solution

  • The Plan:
    • I have constructed a logical plan (a step-by-step procedure) for the creation of the solution.  (sufficient for peers to be able to follow in detailed)
    • I have stated the resources that will be needed ( materials and tools).
    • I have completed a timeline / Gantt chart ( showing clearly the due dates of the tasks)
  • The Creation Process:
    • I have demonstrated a range of excellent technical skills when making the solution. ( documented on a process journal)
    • I have fully justified changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
  • Process Journal: 
    • I have maintained a process journal through the entire creation process.
    • I have explained the tools and techniques used in the process of creation.
    • I have included evidence in the creation phase that I have followed my time plan.
    • I have reflected any changes I made to my plan during the creation phase.
    • I have included screen shots and other photographic evidences of the key phases of creation.(Sharing screenshots of relevant key technical skills).
    • I have kept notes in my process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered, and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.
  • The Final Project: I have presented the solution as a whole, either in electronic form, or through photographs of the solution from different angles, showing details.( Create a screen cast)
  • Evaluate: I have evaluated and reflected on my performance in the this stage.
    • Challenges and successes
    • Areas of concerns
    • The strengths and weaknesses.
    • Observations on how this stage could have been improved.
    • General reflections 
Requirements for each strand 

By the end of year 5 you should be able to:

  • construct a series of logical steps to create the solution, using charts, diagrams and text that include aspects of quality control and quality assurance
  • construct a plan to create the solution that makes effective use of resources and time
  • construct a clear and concise plan that peers will be able to follow to create the solution

(ii) Demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

At the end of year 5 you should be able to:

  • develop manipulative skills to effectively use a wide range of tools, techniques and equipment
  • use a wide range of tools and equipment proficiently to create high-quality solutions
  • ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others

By the end of year 5 you should be able to:
  • independently follow the plan to produce the solution, which functions as intended
  • manage time effectively to produce the solution to the deadline stated in the plan

 ( strand 2 and 3.  6 Pages)

(iv) Fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

By the end of year 5 you should be able to: Pages 2 pages

  • justify, through the use of drawings/diagrams, any changes made to the design while making the solution and how they affected the plan