Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The challenge is to come up with an ePortfolio's unit synopsis of the following items:( IB Requirement)

  1. Specify the problem area you want to focus on; Culture, traditions, customs and cultural heritage.( food, dresses, music, games, ceremonies, houses, religion, lifestyle, dances, artifacts, historical sites, economic activities, e.t.c
  2. Specify the client, clients,or audience.( person, community, society, county, country, school, tribe, clan e.t.c
  3. Identify the probable IT solution or solutions that will be ideal based on the problem and clients needs. ( gaming, mobile apps, interactive magazines, cook book, interactive websites- coding, virtual tour, tutorial/educative video, data base, documentary e.t.c
  4. categorically analyze how such a tool will stretch your skills and knowledge to full potential. Give a justification.

N/B: Send your unit synopsis to my email by end of the lesson. 


Planning the ePortfolio Unit.
  1. Start planing on how to tackle your area of interest. 
  2. put in place what is expected to ensure you have a smooth process on the eportfolio unit.
  3. Think of the resources needed so that you can source them while at home.
  4. Go through the IB eportfolio expectation on this link:

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