Thursday, November 5, 2015


This stands for designing assessment.

Goal: What is the goal of the Assessment?
Product, performance
Standards and criteria for success

Subject group and discipline:
Design (design, digital design, product design)
Unit duration: 
about 20 hours
Unit title: 
Identity in a developing global society

Global context and specific exploration:
Personal and cultural expression: artistry, craft, creation, beauty
Key concept:
Related concept:
Statement of inquiry:
Functions of design can help to develop and improve personal and cultural expression.
Inquiry questions such as these should be developed by teachers and students:
What is a custom?  What is a tradition?   What is a culture?
Which artifacts, customs and traditions demonstrate cultural heritage?             
How do we preserve our cultural heritage?
How does design improve communication of personal / cultural heritage?
What is the function of design in personal / cultural heritage?
Should we be concerned about losing our cultural identity as we become global citizens?
Is the right to personal expression more important than cultural sensitivity?

Summative assessment
The student produces an ePortfolio which follows the design cycle to create a solution (or range of solutions) which helps others to preserve or appreciate aspects of cultural heritage.

Students must select one, or more, of the following target audiences/clients:
    ·        Infants, children and teenagers
    ·         People from a different culture
    ·         Visitors, tourists and exchange students

Final solutions may be, but are not limited to, the following ideas:
    ·         A culinary experience which introduces techniques and produce specific to a culture
    ·         An application that allows others to access aspects of a culture
    ·         An interactive storybook which details the evolution of a culture
    ·         A multi-media solution which preserves memories
    ·         A textile based solution that encapsulates myths or legends
    ·         A toy or game that informs the audience of an aspect of the culture


Read more on the link below.ePortfolio Unit.

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