Friday, January 8, 2016

Guidelines on Design Problem and Design Brief


1. The problem is a paragraph or more in length. It describes the problem you are aiming to solve.
. Do not say how you intend to solve the problem, only what the problem is. If you have been 
given a question as your design project, add more detail. 

2. The first sentence should state the problem, adding more detail with the following sentences.

3. If the examination question does not name the product that has to be designed and made (such as
 an educational device) then come up with your own choice of product.


A number of houses have been broken into on my street. It has been noticed that the number
of strangers walking down our street has increased lately and house holders are becoming
concerned about the security of their houses. The police have advised people to make
their houses look as if they are occupied when they go away for a holiday or even out for
 the evening. This may deter a potential thief from breaking into either the house or garage.
The Neighborhood Watch scheme has also been introduced recently and this has helped people
 feel more secure. However, even though neighbors will keep an eye on your property if you
decide to go out and leave the house empty, they cannot watch twenty four hours a day.
Often even the police ignore house alarms when they are activated because of the high number
 of false alarms.



I am going to design and make a security device that will make my house look occupied when, in
fact, it is empty. Police statistics clearly show that houses are much more likely to be broken into
when they are empty. Consequently, if the house looks occupied it is likely to be safe.
The device will be mobile so that it can be moved from room to room, easy to set up and control and
also cheap to make. It must not be powered by mains voltage and in this way it will be completely
 safe to be left ‘on’ for a long time and will not be affected by power cuts. It will be activated by
 anyone approaching the hose from the front or back.
It must deter even profession crooks from taking an interest in our house and even convince people
 in the street that the house is occupied.


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